washington food girl - a foodie blog
I love creating and curating on social media.
If you are reading this blog post, we probably have a couple things in common.
You probably spend a lot of time on social media. (me too)
You probably like food. (duh! Don’t we all?)
In 2015, I started a #foodstagram account called @washingtonfoodgirl. Social media was a different place five years ago! People were posting pictures with their family and friends with ALL THE FILTERS, presets and curated feeds were not really a thing, and there was less drama; that’s for sure.
Foodstagram is a special corner of the internet filled with the love of food. Remember when everyone was being annoying at restaurants and taking pictures of their food? Well… quite a few of those people still exist, and I’m one of them.
There is something so relaxing about scrolling through food pictures. If feels way better than scrolling through influencers with perfect bodies, wardrobes, vacations, houses, etc. and comparing myself to them. Scrolling through foodstagram can, honestly, calm my anxiety.
Does it make you hungry? Yes.
Is it worth it? Yes.
Foodstagram can give you ideas for where to eat or what to cook. I have based weekend plans around places that I want to visit that I discovered from foodstagram. I have saved recipes to try later. I have connected with other foodies and asked for recommendations.
After taking a long break from the foodstagram account, I revived it in the Spring of 2020. Social media was such a stressful and heavy place during this time - global pandemic, election year, social injustice, and more. All the while, the foodie space stayed focused on food.
Foodstagram is an interesting mix of creativity, comfort, fun, and deliciousness.
You can follow @washingtonfoodgirl on Instagram and see for yourself how fun the foodstagram world is!
You can also find me on Yelp HERE!
Any pacific northwest restaurants you think I need to try? Let me know in the comments below!