bloggin’ about books, beer, small businesses, the pacific northwest + more
questions from quarantine
I wrote some journal prompts to think on or write on to help you stay mindful of all of the thoughts and emotions that have been welling up inside of you through these past few months.
Use these to reflect.
a weekend in Hood River, OR
My boyfriend, Casey, and I are big brewery people. A perfect trip for us includes visiting breweries, eating good food and drinking good beer, and spending time exploring the town. If you are like us, seriously, book your trip to Hood River ASAP!
a buffet of free resources
There is an unlimited amount of resources and people out there to help you succeed.
The tools are there and they are FREE.
The people are there and they are OPEN.
The knowledge is there and you just need to FIND IT.
the best sports movies of all time - list + bracket
This is a list of 64 of the greatest sports movies ever made. For those times when sports are not on TV, you can always refer to this list. But wait, there’s more, A 64 MOVIE BRACKET!
mid year book freak out
I was inspired by the #midyearbookfreakout hashtag that was going around Instagram. This post includes the books I read in the first half of 2019.
2019 end of year book wrap up
In 2019 I set a goal for myself to read twenty books and I ALMOST did it! I finished my 20th book just after the start of the new year. Along the way, I read some great books and I want to share them with you!
100 things I am thankful for
I did a gratitude practice and wrote down one hundred things that I am thankful for. I do not think that these lists of what we are thankful for need to be 100% serious or profound; a lot of the things on my list are silly but I am still thankful for them!
Practicing gratitude is extremely important but we forget so often! Make your own list and share it with me!
stop apologizing in emails
These are the Top 3 things you need to know to uplevel your email vocabulary, sound more confident in the workplace, and gain more respect.
a day in Sumner, WA
Sumner, Washington is a small town in South Puget Sound about 45 minutes from Seattle proper. It is a hidden gem of a town and has turned into one of my favorite places to spend a Sunday. They have great food and even better shopping.