bloggin’ about books, beer, small businesses, the pacific northwest + more

small biz, shopping, personal Lindsey Wilson small biz, shopping, personal Lindsey Wilson

shop small gift guide

I am passionate about small business. This year, more than ever, we need to support small businesses. The holiday season presents the perfect opportunity to show our support!

This list is compiled of businesses I love along with suggestions from friends and family! I would be ecstatic to receive gifts from any of these businesses, so you could say they are all ‘pish posh approved!’

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small biz, shopping, personal Lindsey Wilson small biz, shopping, personal Lindsey Wilson

the candle curation

Okay friends… I REALLY LIKE CANDLES & I really like small business.

So, I decided to curate a list of small business candle shops so y’all stop waiting til the last minute and buy all your candles from Bath & Body Works or Wal-Mart or Target.

Sound like a plan? Great!

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personal, travel Lindsey Wilson personal, travel Lindsey Wilson

washington food girl - a foodie blog

In 2015, I started a #foodstagram account called @washingtonfoodgirl.

Foodstagram is a special corner of the internet filled with the love of food. Remember when everyone was being annoying at restaurants and taking pictures of their food? Well… quite a few of those people still exist, and I’m one of them. 

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personal Lindsey Wilson personal Lindsey Wilson

my migraine must haves

I get migraines, a lot. It is terrible.

If you know you know.

My migraines usually last a full day and no matter what I do, they do not go away but the products listed help ease the pain.

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Pacific Northwest, travel, breweries Lindsey Wilson Pacific Northwest, travel, breweries Lindsey Wilson

23 pacific northwest breweries

I started recording all of the breweries that Casey and I went to this year! Here is a list of all of the breweries we’ve visited in the first 6 months of 2020. One of our favorite things to do when we explore somewhere new or visit an old favorite town is drink some local beer. Even with COVID slowing down our plans, we were still able to visit 23 breweries!

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journaling Lindsey Wilson journaling Lindsey Wilson

a week of journaling

use these prompts tp reflect on what you have experienced, felt, and learned from the past few months and clarify what you want for the future. you can use these prompts over and over again.

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reading Lindsey Wilson reading Lindsey Wilson

#midyearbookfreakout 2020

My reading goal for the year started out at 25 books… well we are halfway through the year and I have read 19! I am way ahead of schedule (Thanks Rona) and I might need to increase my goal for the year.

This post is a list of all of the books I have read so far this year with a little of my thoughts on each. Click the link on the title of each if you want to purchase!

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